Fake blood test
We did some test shots for color today and made some fake blood. Surprisingly, fake blood isn't that hard to make. We used Strawberry syrup as our base opposed to the more popular choice, corn syrup. I may post some footage of the light tests later this evening, but who knows; - we don't want to give too much away. Enjoy the footage of fake blood (sorry for the poor picture quality, it's our host) and make sure your speakers are on. I added some music to it.
Nice! Your ability to recreate such convincing blood is somewhat frightening.
How did you make the fake blood? It's just strawbery syrup?
I used Strawberry syrup, corn starch to thicken it, and green food coloring. you have to use the green to offset the red/pinkie tone you get from strawberry syrup alone or from red food coloring if you mixed it with corn syrup. After you add the green, it almost looks purple or a really dark brown to the eye, but on camera it looks great. Obviously.
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